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Conference Presentations



Structure-function relationships in unicellular and multicellular organisms: insights from macro and micro perspectives.
Ando M.
第15回中四国電子顕微鏡研究会 2024, @Takamatsu.(招待)

Effect of different culture conditions on the photosymbiotic relationship between an acoel Praesagittifera naikaiensis and Tetraselmis sp.
Hayashi K, Nakamura Y, Nakagawa S, Sakagami T, Ando M.
第95回日本動物学会大会, 2024, 1H0915, @Nagasaki.

Solute carrier 26 like genes expressed in an acoel flatworm, Praesagittifera naikaiensis.
Nakamura Y, Hayashi K, Shiraishi W, Sakagami T, Ando M.
第95回日本動物学会大会, 2024, 1H0930, @Nagasaki.

池田理佐, 田中福人, 安藤元紀.
第108回日本生物教育学会大会, 2024, 1C10, @Yokohama.


安藤元紀, 中野知佑, 坂上登亮, 林加奈子.
第39回医学生物学電子顕微鏡技術学会学術講演会, 2023, S2-1 シンポジウム, @Matsue.(招待)

Novel insights into the establishment of the acoel-algal symbiosis.
Hayashi K, Sakagami T, Ando M.
第94回日本動物学会大会, 2023, 3B1115, @Yamagata.

Structure and function of epidermal sensory receptors in an acoel flatworm, Praesagittifera naikaiensis.
Sakagami T, Hamada M, Hatabu T, Ando M.
第94回日本動物学会大会, 2023, 3B1130, @Yamagata.

Expression and localization of the facilitated glucose transporters (GLUT1, 3) in the mouse epididymal duct.
Masui K, Sakagami T, Ando M.
第94回日本動物学会大会, 2023, 3I0930, @Yamagata.

桝井光一郎, 坂上登亮, 安藤元紀. 
第80回岡山実験動物研究会例会, 2023, @Okayama.


Site-specific expression of the novel sugar transporter in mouse epididymis.
Masui K, Sakagami T, Kanda N, Hayashi K, Ando M.
第93回日本動物学会大会, 2022, 3C55, @Tokyo.


Microtubule dynamics before and after rapid axopodial contraction in the heliozoan Raphidocystis contractilis.
Kurokawa M, Sakagami T, Ikeda R, Ando M. 
第92回日本動物学会大会, 2021, C-11, @Yonago (online).

Immunocytochemical and ultrastructural analysis of axopodia in the heliozoan Actinophrys sol.
Ogawa R, Kurokawa M, Sakagami T, Ando M. 
第92回日本動物学会大会, 2021, C-12, @Yonago (online).

Novel insights into structure and function of the sensory organs in an acoel worm,
Praesagittifera naikaiensis.
Sakagami T, Watanabe K, Hamada M, Hatabu T, Ando M.
第92回日本動物学会大会, 2021, C-16, @Yonago (online).

Expression and localization of sugar transporters in mouse epididymis.
Kanda N, Kobayashi H, Omi T, Sakagami T, Ando M. 
第92回日本動物学会大会, 2021, D-12, @Yonago (online).


Morphological analysis of the cochlear stria vascularis in wild type and melanocyte-deficient Mitf mi-bw/Mitf mi-bw mutant mice.
Jigyo M, Kanda N, Kobayashi H, Sakagami T, Yamamoto H, Ando M. 
第91回日本動物学会大会, 2020, D-02, @online.

Three-dimensional relationship between sensory cilia and nervous system in an acoel worm, Praesagittifera naikaiensis.
Watanabe K, Sakagami T, Kurokawa M, Fukuoka D, Ando M.
第91回日本動物学会大会, 2020, D-23, @online.


Novel insights into neural structures during development after hatching in Praesagittifera naikaiensis, an acoel flat worm.
Sakagami T, Watanabe K, Ikeda R, Ando M. 
第90回日本動物学会大会, プログラム集, 2019, p.41, @Osaka.

Development of immunocytochemical procedures suitable for a heliozoan Raphidiophrys contractilis without induction of the rapid axopodial contraction by chemical fixation.
Ikeda R, Momoka M, Kurokawa M, Sakagami T, Saito N, Ando M.
第90回日本動物学会大会, プログラム集, 2019, p.45, @Osaka.

Immunohistochemical identification of inner ear epithelial cells in the tegmentum vasculosum of the quail cochlea.
Kanda N, Kobayashi H, Sakagami T, Ikeda R, Saito N, Ando M. 
第90回日本動物学会大会, プログラム集, 2019, p.48, @Osaka.


Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical analyses of post-hatching development of an acoelomorph worm, Praesagittifera naikaiensis.
Ikeda R, Sakagami T, Kaneda J, Ando M. 
第89回日本動物学会大会, プログラム集, 2018, p.53, @Sapporo.

内耳蝸牛管上皮組織におけるH+/myo-inositol transporterおよびaquporin 4の局在解析.
小林春也, 宮本歩実, 池田理佐, 安藤元紀. 
第75回岡山実験動物研究会例会, 講演要旨集, 2018, @Okayama.


Distribution of cytoskeletal elements in an acoelomorph worm, Praesagittifera naikaiensis.
Fujiwara C, Ikeda R, Hamada M, Sakamoto T, Ando M. 
第88回日本動物学会大会, プログラム集, 2017, p.68, @Toyama.


New insights into the mechanism of microtubule shortening during rapid axopodial contraction in heliozoan Polyplacocystis contractilis.
Ikeda R, Matsui S, Saito N, Ando M.
22nd International Congress of Zoology (ICZ), 2016, Abstracts p.308-309, @Okinawa, Japan.

Cellular localization of Kir4.1 and Na+-K+-ATPase in the tegmentum vasculosum of the avian cochlea.
Nose T, Otono T, Ikeda R, Ando M.
22nd International Congress of Zoology (ICZ), 2016, Abstracts p.371-372, @Okinawa, Japan.
池田理佐, 安藤元紀.
第49回日本原生生物学会大会 大会シンポジウム, 講演要旨集, 2016, p.45, @Okayama.

Actinophrys solの有糸分裂阻害剤に対する薬剤感受性の検討.
松井祥悟, 池田理佐, 安藤元紀.
第49回日本原生生物学会大会, 講演要旨集, 2016, p.35, @Okayama.

日本原生生物学会 第49回 岡山大会 主催
会場:岡山大学 津島キャンパス 一般教育棟


Ultrastructural analysis using a novel fixation method for preventing the induction of axopodial contraction in Raphidiophrys contractilis.
Inoue R, Saito N, Ando M.
第86回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2015, p.20, @Niigata.

Expression and localization analysis of Kir4.1 in the tegmentum vasculosum of the avian cochlea.
Otono T, Inoue R, Ando M.
第86回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2015, p.30, @Niigata.

井上理佐, 村田和義, 齋藤昇, 安藤元紀.
第48回日本原生生物学会大会, 講演要旨集, 2015, p.26, @Tokyo.


Immunohistochemical localization of H+-coupled myo-inositol transporter (HMIT) and aquaporin in the cochlear lateral wall.
Yamaji M, Edamatsu M, Ando M.
第85回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2014, p.104, @Sendai.

Microtubule dynamics during rapid axopodial contraction in heliozoon Raphidiophrys contractilis.
Inoue R, Ando M.
第85回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2014, p.123, @Sendai.

井上理佐, 安藤元紀.
第47回日本原生生物学会大会, 講演要旨集, 2014, p.17, @Sendai.


Ultrastructural changes during axopodial contraction and re-elongation in heliozoon Raphidiophrys contractilis.
Inoue R, Ando M.
第84回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2013, p.175, @Okayama.

Analysis of tight-junction proteins in the tegmentum vasculosum of the avian cochlea.
Higuchi S, Ando M.
第84回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2013, p.186, @Okayama.

Identification of unspecified glucose transport gene in the cochlear stria vascularis.
Nagasaka K, Ando M.
第84回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2013, p.187, @Okayama.

Changes in the localization of cytoskeletal proteins during postnatal development of the mouse cochlear stria vascularis.
Goto Y, Higuchi S, Ando M.
第84回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2013, p.187, @Okayama.

Immunological identification of H+-coupled myo-inositol cotransporter (HMIT) in the isolated marginal cell of the cochlear stria vascularis.
Yamaji M, Edamatsu M, Ando M.
第84回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2013, p.187, @Okayama.

免疫電子顕微鏡法によるタイヨウチュウRaphidiophrys contractilisの軸足収縮時における微小管動態の解析.
井上理佐, 安藤元紀.
第46回日本原生動物学会大会, 講演要旨集, 2013, p.19, @Hiroshima.

花原健, 安藤元紀.
第46回日本原生動物学会大会, 講演要旨集, 2013, p.19, @Hiroshima.


Immunohistochemical localization of myo-inositol transporters, HMIT and SMIT1, in the lateral wall of the rat cochlea.
Edamatsu M, Kondo Y, Ando M.
14th International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry (ICHC), 2012, Abstracts p.118, @Kyoto, Japan.

Direct evidence of glucose uptake in strial marginal cells of the cochlea: Application of a fluorescent tracer method combined with immunohistochemistry.
Hishikawa S, Edamatsu M, Ando M.
14th International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry (ICHC), 2012, Abstracts p.118, @Kyoto, Japan.

Identification of epithelial cells in the tegmentum vasculosum of the chicken cochlea by immunofluorescence microscopy.
Higuchi S, Edamatsu M, Kondo Y, Ando M.
第83回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2012, p.148, @Osaka.

Assessment of glucose uptake in the cochlear strial marginal cells with a fluorescent tracer method combined with immunohistochemistry.
Hishikawa S, Edamatsu M, Ando M.
第83回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2012, p.149, @Osaka.

Postnatal expression and localization of glucose transporters in the lateral wall of the cochlear duct.
Ikeda N, Hishikawa S, Edamatsu M, Ando M.
第83回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2012, p.149, @Osaka..

井上理佐, 枝松緑, 安藤元紀.
第45回日本原生動物学会大会, 講演要旨集, 2012, p.26, @Himeji.


Immunohistochemical localization of H+-coupled myo-inositol cotransporter(HMIT) in the rat cochlea.
Edamatsu M, Haruna K, Kondo Y, Ando M.
第82回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2011, p.138, @Asahikawa.

Immunohistochemical localization of glucose transporters (GLUT5,-10) in the rat cochlea.
Hishikawa S, Edamatsu M, Ando M.
第82回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2011, p.139, @Asahikawa.

Immunohistochemical localization of glucose transporter (GLUT1) in the chicken cochlea.
Higuchi S, Edamatsu M, Kondo Y, Ando M.
第82回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2011, p.139, @Asahikawa.

Metamorphosis of the apostome ciliate Vampyrophrya pelagica with dynamic changes of cytoplasmic organelles during host infection.
Kanazawa A, Suzaki T, Ando M, Ohtsuka S.
8th Internatinal Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry (ICCPB), 2011, @Nagoya, Japan.

海産カイアシ類に寄生する隔口類繊毛虫Vampyrophrya pelagicaの phoront期における微細構造の変化.
金澤篤志, 洲崎敏伸, 安藤元紀, 大塚 攻.
第44回日本原生動物学会大会, 2011, @Nara.

吉村知里, 安藤元紀, 洲崎敏伸.
第44回日本原生動物学会大会, 2011, @Nara.


Expression and localization of myo-inositol transporters in the lateral wall of the cochlear duct.
Edamatsu M, Date E, Ikeda N, Kondo Y, Ando M. 第81回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2010, p.132, @Tokyo.

Lamellar complexes in the trophont of Vampyrophrya pelagica, a histophagous apostome ciliate associated with marine copepods.
Kanazawa A, Ohtsuka S, Suzaki T, Ando M.
第81回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2010, p.133, @Tokyo.

A novel bio-monitoring system for aquatic hazards using adhesiveness of the heliozoan cells to substratum.
Ando M, Suzaki T.
第81回日本動物学会大会サテライトシンポジウム"Utilization of protozoans as unique biomachines to pioneer the future: development of novel technologies using unicellular organisms" (Organizer: Ando and Suzaki), 予稿集, 2010, p.55, @Tokyo.

タイヨウチュウRaphidiophrys contractilisにおける急速な軸足収縮誘発後の軸足伸長反応.
榎本淑恵, 洲崎敏伸, 安藤元紀.
第43回日本原生動物学会大会, 講演要旨集, 2010, p.28, @Mito.

吉村知里, 安藤元紀, 洲崎敏伸.
第43回日本原生動物学会大会, 講演要旨集, 2010, p.26, @Mito.


A novel bio-monitoring system for aquatic toxicants using the heliozoon Raphidiophrys contractilis.
Enomoto T, Edamatsu M, Suzaki T, Ando M.
第80回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2009, p.22, @Shizuoka.

Quantitative analysis of glucose-transporter gene expression in the cochlea stria vascularis.
Edamatsu M, Enomoto T, Ando M.
第80回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2009, p.95, @Shizuoka.

枝松 緑, 安藤元紀.
第18回日本バイオイメージング学会, 要旨集, 2009, p.186-187, @Okayama.

福泉 翔, 洲崎敏伸, 安藤元紀.
第42回日本原生動物学会大会, 講演要旨集, 2009, p.19, @Ishinomaki.

タイヨウチュウActinophrys solを利用した抗腫瘍活性を有する微小管阻害剤のin vivoアッセイ系の検討.
榎本淑恵, 石川彰彦, 洲崎敏伸, 安藤元紀.
第42回日本原生動物学会大会, 講演要旨集, 2009, p.27, @Ishinomaki.


Cell-specific expression of glucose transporter in the cochlear stria vascularis.
Edamatsu M, Enomoto T, Fukuizumi S, Ando M.
第79回日本動物学会大会, 要旨集, 2008, p.62, @Fukuoka.

Continuous dielectric monitoring for cell shape changes of the flagellate Euglena gracilis.
福泉 翔, 枝松 緑, 洲崎敏伸, 安藤元紀.
第79回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2008, p.116, @Fukuoka.

タイヨウチュウRaphidiophrys contractilisを用いた水質モニタリングシステムに応用可能な簡易型流動チャンバーの検討.
榎本淑恵, 福泉 翔, 枝松 緑, 洲崎敏伸, 安藤元紀.
第41回日本原生動物学会大会, 講演要旨集, 2008, p.29, @Tsukuba.

福泉 翔, 榎本淑恵, 枝松 緑, 洲崎敏伸, 安藤元紀.
第41回日本原生動物学会大会, 講演要旨集, 2008, p.22, @Tsukuba.


安藤元紀, 山崎文靖, 佐藤隆幸.
第57回循環器負荷研究会・シンポジウム, 抄録集, 2007, p.25, @Tokyo.

Vagal nerve stimulation protects heart against ischemic insult through differential regulation of myocardial TNF receptor subtypes.
Katare RG, Ando M, Kakinuma Y, Arikawa M, Handa T, Yamasaki F.
第71回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2007, 71:164, @Kobe.

Vagal nerve stimulation salvage the myocardium against reperfusion injury through inhibition of opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pore.
Katare RG, Kakinuma Y, Ando M, Arikawa M, Handa T, Yamasaki F, Sasaguri S, Sato T.
第71回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2007, 71:182-183, @Kobe.

Donepezil promotes angiogenesis through the mechanisms independent of cholinesterase inhibition and nicotinic a7 receptor.
Kakinuma Y, Katare RG, Arikawa M, Handa T, Ando M, Li M, Zheng C, Yamasaki F, Sato T.
第71回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2007, 71:205, @Kobe.

Cardiomyocytes produce acetylcholine in response to muscarinic receptor agonists: a possible mechanism for cardioprotective effects of vagal stimulation on cardiomyocytes.
Kakinuma Y, Katare GR, Arikawa M, Handa T, Akiyama T, Ando M, Yamasaki F, Sato T.
第71回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2007, 71:217, @Kobe.

Cholinesterase inhibitor donepezil improves ventricular function of mice with non-ischemic chronic heart failure.
Handa T, Katare RG, Kakinuma Y, Arikawa M, Ando M, Sasaguri S, Sato T.
第71回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2007, 71:316, @Kobe.

Electrophysiological approaches to the mechanism of arrhythmogenesis in artificially-arranged cardiomyocytes.
Arikawa M, Katare RG, Ando M, Kakinuma Y, Handa T, Yamasaki F, Davidson M, Sato T.
第71回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2007, 71:496, @Kobe.

Nitric oxide has beneficial effects on cardiomyocytes by activation of the vascular endothelial growth factor.
Kuwabara M, Kakinuma Y, Ando M, Katare RG, Yamasaki F, Doi M, Sato T.
第71回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2007, 71:612, @Kobe.

Glucose transport mechanism in the cochlear stria vascularis.
Edamatsu M, Fukuizumi S, Ando M.
第78回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2007, p.67, @Hirosaki.

Dielectric monitoring for cell shape changes in the flagellate Euglena gracilis.
Fukuizumi S, Edamatsu M, Suzaki T, Ando M.
第78回日本動物学会大会, 予稿集, 2007, p.58, @Hirosaki.

Fukuizumi S, Edamatsu M, Suzaki T, Ando M.
第40回日本原生動物学会大会, 講演要旨集, 2007, p.18, @Toyama.


Intermittent stretch-induced formation of gap junction between fibrocytes and cardiomyocytes improves dyssynchronous contraction in circular engineered heart tissue.
Ando M, Katare RG, Kakinuma Y, Yamasaki F, Sato T.
American Heart Association, Circulation, 2006, 114:80, @Chicago, USA.

Engineered heart tissue - A novel tool for studying the acute ischemia induced changes in-vitro.
Katare RG, Ando M, Kakinuma Y, Arikawa M, Yamasaki F, Sato T.
American Heart Association, Circulation, 2006, 114:12, @Chicago, USA.

Electrophysiological characterization of artificially-arranged human myocardial cells.
Arikawa M, Katare RG, Ando M, Kakinuma Y, Yamasaki F, Davidson MM, Sato T.
American Heart Association, Circulation, 2006, 114:291, @Chicago, USA.

安藤元紀, 山崎文靖, 佐藤隆幸.
第59回日本自律神経学会総会シンポジウム, プログラム・抄録集, 2006, p.41, @Tokyo.

山崎文靖, 牛田亨宏, 横山武志, 山下幸一, 安藤元紀, 佐藤隆幸.
第59回日本自律神経学会総会シンポジウム, プログラム・抄録集, 2006, p.43, @Tokyo.

Acetylcholine inhibits mitochondrial permeability transition pore and protects myocardium against acute ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Katare RG, Ando M, Kakinuma Y, Kuwabara M, Yamasaki F, Sasaguri S, Sato T.
第70回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2006, 70:155, @Nagoya.

Vagal nerve stimulation differentially regulates TNF receptors and protects the heart against acute ischemic injury.
Katare RG, Ando M, Kakinuma Y, Kuwabara M, Yamasaki F, Sato T.
第70回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2006, 70:169, @Nagoya.

Acetylcholine inhibits opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP) and enhances the functional recovery after long time hypothermic heart preservation.
Katare RG, Ando M, Kakinuma Y, Kuwabara M, Yamasaki F, Sato T.
第70回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2006, 70:185, @Nagoya.

Gap junctional communication between cardiomyocyte and fibroblast improves electrical conduction in 3D-engineered remodeled heart.
Katare RG, Ando M, Kakinuma Y, Kuwabara M, Yamasaki F, Sasaguri S, Sato T.
第70回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2006, 70:476-477, @Nagoya.

Activation of the non-neuronal cholinergic system by donepezil, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, involves angiogenesis through VEGF production.
Kakinuma Y, Ando M, Katare RG, Kuwabara M, Yamasaki F, Sato T.
第70回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2006, 70:512, Nagoya.


Donepezil, acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, promotes angiogenesis over infarct area in rats after chronic coronary occlusion.
Ando M, Katare RG, Kakinuma Y, Li M, Zheng C, Yamasaki F, Sato T.
American Heart Association, Circulation, 2005, 112:288, @Dallas, USA.

Vagal nerve stimulation differentially regulates TNF receptors and protect the heart against acute ischemic injury.
Katare RG, Ando M, Kakinuma Y, Yamasaki F, Sato T.
American Heart Association, Circulation, 2005, 112:195, @Dallas, USA.

Acetylcholine regulates a HIF-1a -mediated gene, involved in cardiac energy metabolism suppression and cardioprotection against hypoxia.
Kakinuma Y, Ando M, Katare RG, Yamasaki F, Sato T.
American Heart Association, Circulation, 2005, 112:284, @Dallas, USA.

Neural interface therapy for protecting the heart against ischemia-induced arrhythmia and apoptosis.
Ando M, Katare RG, Kakinuma Y, Sato T.
第20回生体・生理工学シンポジウム, 2005, @Tokyo.

Opposite response of core temperature and blunted response of forearm skin temperature to bicycle ergometer exercise in chronic heart failure.
Sato K, Yamasaki F, Ando M, Kitaoka H, Takata J, Sugiura T, Sato T, Doi Y.
第69回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2005, 69:186, @Yokohama.

Noninvasive approach for manipulating arterial pressure (AP) using abdominal air shock pants.
Yamasaki F, Sato K, Ando M, Doi Y, Sugiura T, Sato T.
第69回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2005, 69:264, @Yokohama.

Vagal nerve stimulation activates TNF-a and protects heart against acute ischemic injury.
Katare RG, Ando M, Kakinuma Y, Yamasaki F, Sato T.
第69回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2005, 69:392, @Yokohama.

Acetylcholine from vagal nerve stimulation protects cardiomyocytes against acute ischemia and hypoxia by additive induction of hypoxia-inducible factor-1a through nonhypoxic pathway.
Kakinuma Y, Ando M, Kuwabara M, Katare RG, Yamasaki F, Sato T.
第69回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2005, 69:437, @Yokohama.

A HIF-1alpha -regulated gene, a factor involved in anti-apoptosis and cardioprotection against hypoxia through depression of cardiac energy metabolism.
Kakinuma Y, Ando M, Kuwabara M, Katare RG, Yamasaki F, Sato T.
第69回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2005, 69:562, @Yokohama.

Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor activates cell survival signaling cascade to protect cardiomyocyte from cell death.
Kuwabara M, Kakinuma Y, Ando M, Katare RG, Yamasaki F, Doi Y, Sato T.
第69回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2005, 69:591, @Yokohama.

安藤元紀, 佐藤隆幸.
第15回日本病態生理学会, Jpn J Pathophysiol, 2005, 13:42, @Gifu.

安藤元紀, 佐藤隆幸.
第15回日本病態生理学会, Jpn J Pathophysiol, 2005, 13:43, @Gifu.

佐藤隆幸, 安藤元紀, 川田 徹.
第15回日本病態生理学会細見記念シンポジウム, Jpn J Pathophysiol, 2005, 13:30, @Gifu.

渡辺牧夫, 成岡奈都子, 上野脩幸, 安藤元紀, 佐藤隆幸.
第109回日本眼科学会総会, 2005, @Kyoto.


Vagal Stimulation Suppresses Ischemia-Induced Arrhythmias by Preserving Connexin43 Protein from Its Dephosphorylation and Degradation.
Ando M, Katare RG, Kakinuma Y, Yamasaki F, Shishido T, Zheng C, Li M. Sato T.
American Heart Association, Circulation, 2004, 110:296, @New Orleans, USA.

Vagal nerve stimulation and acetylcholine protect cardiomyocytes from acute ischemia and hypoxia through non-hypoxic induction of hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha.
Kakinuma Y, Kuwabara M, Doi Y, Ando M, Sato T.
American Heart Association, Circulation, 2004, 110:201, @New Orleans, USA.

安藤元紀, 柿沼由彦, カタレ ラジェシュ, 山崎文靖, 佐藤隆幸.
第5回Neurocardiology Workshop, 2004, @Tokyo.

安藤元紀, 柿沼由彦, カタレ ラジェシュ, 山崎文靖, 佐藤隆幸.
第25回日本循環制御医学会総会, 循環制御, 2004, 25:98, @Hakodate.

Opposite response of core temperature (Tcore) and blunted response of forearm skin temperature (Tskin) to bicycle ergometer exercise in chronic heart failure (CHF).
Sato K, Yamasaki F, Ando M, Kitaoka H, Takata J, Sugiura T, Sato T, Doi Y.
第68回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2004, 68:394, @Tokyo.

Clinical application of bionic baroreflex systen (BBS) for automatic control of arterial pressure (AP).
Yamasaki F, Ushida T, Yokoyama T, Yamashita K, Sato K, Ando M, Doi Y, Sugiura T, Sato T.
第68回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2004, 68:624, @Tokyo.

Different roles of vagal and sympathetic systems in heart rate control for stabilizing arterial pressure (AP) against orthostatic stress.
Yamasaki F, Sato K, Ando M, Doi Y, Sugiura T, Sato T.
第68回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2004, 68:625, @Tokyo.


Baroreflex dynamics in mice and rats: white-noise system identification during random head-up tilting.
Ando M, Yamasaki F., Yuto J., Sato T.
第80回日本生理学会大会, Jpn J Physiol, 2003, 53:S168, @Fukuoka.

Dynamic modulation of cardiac booster effect: transfer function analysis from central venous pressure (CVP) to systemic arterial pressure (SAP).
Ando M, Yamasaki F, Sato T.
第67回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2003, 67:546, @Fukuoka.

New potential interface for revitalization of baroreflex function: epidural catheter approach in humans.
Yamasaki F, Sato K, Ando M, Sato T.
第67回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2003, 67:546, @Fukuoka.

Estimation of human baroreflex dynamics comparing between normal and baroreflex failure.
Yamasaki F, Sato K, Ando M, Doi Y, Sugiura T, Sato T.
第67回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2003, 67:573, @Fukuoka.

Integrative and open-loop approach for estimation of human baroreflex dynamics.
Yamasaki F, Sato K, Ando M, Doi Y, Sugiura T, Sato T.
第67回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2003, 67:339, @Fukuoka.

Analytic and integrative framework for human sympathetic baroreflex control: equilibrium diagram of arterial pressure (AP) and plasma norepinephrine level (PNE).
Yamasaki F, Sato K, Ando M, Doi Y, Sugiura T, Sato T.
第67回日本循環器学会総会, Circ J, 2003, 67:380, @Fukuoka.

安藤元紀, 山崎文靖, 湯藤潤, 佐藤隆幸.
第24回日本循環制御医学会総会, 循環制御, 2003, 24:58, @Osaka.

安藤元紀, 山崎文靖, 湯藤潤, 佐藤隆幸.
第24回日本循環制御医学会総会, 循環制御, 2003, 24:54, @Osaka.


安藤元紀, 湯藤潤, 佐藤隆幸.
第54回日本生理学会中国四国地方会, 生理学雑誌. 2002, 64:297, @Kochi.


Effect of perilymphatic Cs+ on the endocochlear potential.
Kakigi A, Ando M, Takeuchi S.
24th Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2001, Abstracts, @St. Petersburg, USA.

Bumetanide-induced enlargement of the intercellular space in the stria vascularis is not dependent on perilymphatic K+.
Ando M, Kakigi A, Saito H., Takeuchi S.
24th Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2001, Abstracts, @St. Petersburg, USA.

Effects of perilymphatic Cs+ on the endocochlear potential.
Takeuchi S, Ando M, Kakigi, A.
第78回日本生理学会大会, Jpn J Physiol, 2001, 51:S209, @Kyoto.

Expression of mRNA encoding 'ClC-K1', a kidney Cl--channel in marginal cells of the stria vascularis or rat cochlea.
Ando M, Takeuchi S, Sato T.
第78回日本生理学会大会, Jpn J Physiol, 2001, 51:S207, @Kyoto.

安藤元紀, 佐藤隆幸.
第53回日本生理学会中国四国地方会, 生理学雑誌, 2001, 64:93-94, @Hiroshima.


Expression of ClC-K1 Cl- channel m-RNA in the rat stria vascularis: its possible relation to the whole-cell Cl currents in marginal cells.
Ando M, Takeuchi S.
23rd Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2000, Abstracts p.129, @St. Petersburg, USA.

竹内俊二, 安藤元紀, 柿木章伸.
第10回日本耳科学会, Otology Japan, 2000, 10:374, @Hamamatsu.

安藤元紀, 竹内俊二.
第10回日本耳科学会, Otology Japan, 2000, 10:373, @Hamamatsu.


Elongated pericyte-like cells connect discrete capillaries in the stria vascularis.
Ando M, Takeuchi S.
22nd Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 1999, Abstracts p.207, @St. Petersburg, USA.

A voltage-activated outward K+ current in the intermediate cell of the stria vascularis.
Takeuchi S, Ando M.
22nd Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 1999, Abstracts p.206, @St. Petersburg, USA.

竹内俊二, 安藤元紀. 第9回日本耳科学会, Otology Japan, 1999, 9:485, @Tokyo.


Dye-coupling of intermediate cells with endothelial cells, pericytes and basal cells in the stria vascularis of gerbils.
Ando M, Takeuchi S.
21st Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 1998, Abstracts p.192, @St. Petersburg, USA.

An inwardly rectifying K+ conductance in intermediate cells and a nonselective cation conductance in marginal cells.
Takeuchi S, Ando M.
21st Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 1998, Abstracts p.192, @St. Petersburg, USA.

安藤元紀, 竹内俊二.
第8回日本耳科学会, Otology Japan, 1998, 8:207, @Sendai.

竹内俊二, 安藤元紀. 中間細胞の内向き整流性K+コンダクタンスと外向き遅延整流性K+コンダクタンス, 回日本耳科学会, Otology Japan, 1998, 8:210, @Sendai.


Dielectric dispersion of protein bound water.
Matsuoka R, Watanabe M, Ando M, Irimajiri A.
第74回日本生理学会大会, Jpn J Physiol, 1997, 47:S50, @Hamamatsu.

Dielectric monitoring of the severity of pulmonary edema induced in the rat lung.
Yamashiro T, Ando M, Ogoshi, S., Irimajiri, A.
XXXIII International Congress of Physiological Sciences, 1997, Abstract, @St. Petersburg, Russia.

竹内俊二, 安藤元紀.
第7回日本耳科学会, Otology Japan, 1997, 7:472, @Kochi.

安藤元紀, 竹内俊二.
第7回日本耳科学会, Otology Japan, 1997, 7:557, @Kochi.


Usefulness of dielectric spectroscopy in quantitative evaluation of rat cold cataract.
Seike K, Watanabe M, Ando M, Irimajiri A.
第73回日本生理学会大会, Jpn J Physiol, 1996, 46:S16, @Fukui.

Dielectric dispersion analysis of erythrocyte rouleau formation.
Ando M, Watanabe, M., Irimajiri A.
第73回日本生理学会大会, Jpn J Physiol, 1996, 46:S66, @Fukui.

安藤元紀, 渡辺牧夫, Laogun AA, 入交昭彦.
第47回日本生理学会中四国地方会, 生理学雑誌, 1995, @Takamatsu.


Dielectric dispersion analysis of isolated bovine chromaffin granules and ghost.
Ando M, Irimajiri A.
第71回日本生理学会大会, Jpn J Physiol, 1994, 44, @Takamatsu.


Dielectric analysis of the rat thyroid gland by modeling the follicle as a key structure.
Kozakura K, Ando M, Irimajiri A.
第70回日本生理学会大会, Jpn J Physiol, 1993, 43:S66, @Kofu.

Dielectric spectroscopic monitoring of the formation of lung edema by use of a surface electrode.
Yamashiro T, Ando M, Irimajiri A.
第70回日本生理学会大会, Jpn J Physiol, 1993, 43:S120, @Kofu.

渡辺牧夫, 目代康子, 上野脩幸, 安藤元紀.
第97回日本眼科学会総会, Acta Soc Ophthalmol Jpn, 1993, 97, @Sapporo.

Dielectric dispersion analysis of the rat thyroid gland.
Ando M, Kozakura K, Saito H, Irimajiri A.
XXXII International Congress of Physiological Sciences, 1993, Abstract, @Glasgow, UK.

Dielectric behavior of rat submandibular gland; simulation with a vesicle-inclusion cell model.
Chinzei K, Ando M, Saito H, Irimajiri A.
XXXII International Congress of Physiological Sciences, 1993, Abstract, @Glasgow, UK.


Dielectric dispersion analysis of isolated chromaffin granules at low ionic strength.
Ando M, Watanabe M, Irimajiri A.
第69回日本生理学会大会, Jpn J Physiol, 1992, 42:S23, @Akita.

Dielectric behavior of rat submandibular glands and its simulation with a spherical-shell model.
Chinzei K, Ando M, Saito H, Irimajiri A.
第69回日本生理学会大会, Jpn J Physiol, 1992, 42:S107, @Akita.

Healing process of injured corneas as monitored by non-invasive dielectric spectroscopy.
Mokudai Y, Watanabe M, Ueno H, Ando M, Irimajiri A.
第69回日本生理学会大会, Jpn J Physiol, 1992, 42:S31, @Akita.

Dielectric measurements of the rabbit lens in vivo using a surface probe.
Watanabe M, Mokudai Y, Ueno H, Ando M, Irimajiri A.
第69回日本生理学会大会, Jpn J Physiol, 1992, 42:S31, @Akita.

渡辺牧夫, 目代康子, 上野脩幸, 安藤元紀, 入交昭彦.
第96回日本眼科学会総会, Acta Soc Ophthalmol Jpn, 1992, 96:271, @Yokohama.

目代康子, 渡辺牧夫, 上野脩幸, 安藤元紀, 入交昭彦.
第96回日本眼科学会総会, Acta Soc Ophthalmol Jpn, 1992, 96:318, @Yokohama.

洲崎敏伸, 村田和義, 安藤元紀. ユーグレナ運動に伴う細胞インピーダンスの変化, 第25回日本原生動物学会大会, 原生動物学雑誌, 1992, 26:38, @Nara.


Dielectric dispersion analysis of isolated chromaffin granules.
Ando M, Irimajiri A.
第44回日本細胞生物学会大会, Cell Struct Funct, 1991, 16:594, @Fukuoka.

安藤元紀, 山城敏行, 入交昭彦.
第43回日本生理学会中四国地方会, 生理学雑誌, 1991, 54:41, @Hiroshima.

Dielectric behavior of excised rat lung lobes in the 102-108 Hz range as correlated with pulmonary edema.
Yamashiro T, Ando M, Irimajiri A.
第68回日本生理学会大会, Jpn J Physiol, 1991, 41:S267, @Kyoto.

白色家兎角膜10 kHz-100 MHz領域の誘電測定.
渡辺牧夫, 小島義治, 上野脩幸, 目代康子, 安藤元紀, 入交昭彦.
第95回日本眼科学会総会, Acta Soc. Ophthalmol. Jpn, 1991, 95:267, @Kyoto.

水晶体in vivo誘電測定への取り組み.
渡辺牧夫, 小島義治, 上野脩幸, 目代康子, 安藤元紀, 入交昭彦.
第30回日本白内障学会, 1991, 抄録集, @Utsunomiya.

Obserbation of axonemal microtubules in a heliozoan Echinosphaerium by polarization microscopy.
洲崎敏伸, 安藤元紀, 重中義信,
日本動物学会中国四国地方会, 1991, @Kochi.

誘電分散法による肺水腫評価法の基礎的検討, 日本胸部外科学会学術集会.
山城敏行, 安藤元紀, 田宮達男, 入交昭彦.
日本胸部外科学会誌, 1991, 39:1546, @Kyoto.


安藤元紀, 渡辺牧夫, 洲崎敏伸, 入交昭彦.
第42回日本生理学会中四国地方会, 生理学雑誌, 1990, 53:100, @Izumo.

Quantitative polarization microscopical analysis of axonemal microtubules in a heliozoan Echinosphaerium during axopodial contraction.
Suzaki T, Ando M, Shigenaka Y.
第43回日本細胞生物学会大会, Cell Struct Funct, 1990, 15:503, @Tokyo.


The dynamic change of cytoskeleton in the helioozoan axopodium during rapid axopodial contraction.
Ando M, Suzaki T, Shigenaka Y.
第42回日本細胞生物学会大会, Cell Struct Funct, 1989, @Kyoto.

Mechanism of rapid axopodial contraction in Echinospaerium.
Ando M, Shigenaka Y.
VIII International Congress of Protozoology, 1989, Abstracts p.96, @Tsukuba, Japan.

重中義信, 安藤元紀.
第45回日本電子顕微鏡学会・学術講演会,1989, 予稿集, p.20, @Osaka.


Mechanism of axopodial contraction in heliozoa.
Shigenaka Y, Ando M.
第41回日本細胞生物学会大会, Cell Struct Funct, 1988, @Nagoya.

Contractility of heliozoan axopodia.
安藤元紀, 重中義信.
第22回日本原生動物学会大会, 原生動物学雑誌, 1988, 22:34-35, @Tsukuba.