ESD Lecture on Quintuple Helix Model for Okayama Model of ESD
場所:岡山大学教育学部 本館4階(第1会議室)
私たちは「岡山型ESDモデル-Okayama Model of ESD」が人々や地域社会・組織にもたらした変容とその契機を、モデルの発展に寄与してきたアクターの人々への調査から導きだそうと、国際共同研究「ESD岡山モデルの再訪:マレーシアにおける新たなESDに向けた示唆」(令和2年度 住友財団アジア諸国による日本関連研究助成)を行ってきました。
【Lecture Announcement】
Dr. Irina Safitri Zen, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Environmental Design/Urban and Regional Planning, International Islamic University Malaysia, will explain “The Quintuple Helix Lens as a New Indicator for ESD: Education for Sustainable Development” derived as a result of our collaborative research(in English).
Lecture Date: September 27th(Tuesday)、2022 14:30-16:30
Place: Okayama University, Faculty of Education, Main Building, 4th Floor (Conference Room 1)
Please resister for participation via the following URL (Google Form).
Dr. Zen and Dr. Shibakawa from Okayama University have been conducting and international joint research project, “Revisiting the Okayama Model of ESD: Implications for New ESD in Malaysia,” in order to understand the transformations and opportunities that the “Okayama Model of ESD” has brought to people, communities, and organizations through surveys of the actors who have contributed to the development of the model. (Supported by Sumitomo Foundation’s Grant for Japan-Related Research Projects, FY198241).
For the purpose of reporting on the results of the research and exchanging various opinions towards a new direction of ESD in both countries, we invite Dr. Irina to Okayama for a lecture, field visit, and workshop to learn from the current situation of of the Okayama Model of ESD.
We welcome the participation of students, teachers, and citizens interested in ESD.